
This site is dedicated to analyzing and discussing FC Barcelona’s football/soccer team from differing perspectives in order to foster a better sense of community and greater understanding about the beautiful game we all love so much. One way in which we are giving back is through the donation of revenue to charities. Every click goes a long ways towards helping to bring about a better world. We will soon be providing links to the specific charities on this page.

Barcelona Football Blog Team

Isaiah Cambron – Founder and Editor

A true soccer dork, I developed a passion for writing in 2006 and have been at it ever since. A technical writer by day, suds snob between 6pm and 8pm, and a fearless super hero by night, I am everything you ever wanted to be. Except I’m also a technical writer. In my spare time I travel as often as money and vacation time will allow, going to as many domestic and international locations as I can. Once I scored a goal with my thigh. It was my only competitive goal.

Kevin Williams – Founder and Editor

In my fantasy life, I’m a Barca-crazed contributor over at Barcelona Football Blog. In my real life, I’m a full-time journalist at the Chicago Tribune, based in Chicago, Illinois. I haven’t played a lick of real footy in my life, but have had plenty of casual kickarounds. My real athletic love is bicycle racing, which I’ve been doing for 30 years now. How ’bout that?

Tarun Singh – Founder and Engineer

I started dabbling in online endeavors a few years ago as a hobby and since then it has become one of my biggest passions (some would say obsession). I am a self taught web geek who enjoys unraveling the online world the way some folks enjoy solving crossword puzzles. Prior to getting BFB up and running, I managed implementation, development, online marketing campaigns, monetization efforts etc for a variety of sites on subjects ranging from US Economy to Tech Recruiting. Besides this, I like to sweat it out on soccer, cricket, and squash whenever I can.

SoccerMom – Writer

She obsesses over FCB and this blog instead of grading papers, burning dinner and/or raising her small children. She blames a Spanish husband and easy access to Hispanic-targeted cable sports channels for her football addiction and consequent failure as a professor, housekeeper, and mother.

Luke – Writer

I am a long-time lover of the beautiful game, having played competitively for more than 15 years. In my spare time I am pursuing a law degree and generally trying to save the world via political commentary. I have been an avid FC Barcelona fan since the time Ronaldo put on the shirt and have stayed true ever since. In the end, I was who you thought I was.

Euler – Writer

Linda – Writer

Kari – Writer

Background Picture by Patrick.

Site Policies

Barcelona Football Blog (BFB) post-moderates its comments on all posts; we never censor comments based on personal or team preferences (“political views” in sports parlance). We only delete or edit those comments that include:

  • abusive or excessively foul language.
  • contain racist, sexist, homophobic and other slurs against anyone (be they a member of the forum, a player, or otherwise).
  • are solicitations and/or advertising for personal blogs and websites (please include a link in your name rather than in the comment itself, though some exceptions will be made).
  • thread spamming.
  • explicit intention of provoking other commenters or the writers of BFB.
  • content that may infringe the copyright or intellectual property rights of others or other applicable laws or regulations (just cite your sources, please!).

Please be aware that not everything you write will be interpreted perfectly and that sometimes misunderstandings can arise from benign intentions. BFB reserves the right to moderate comments in violation of guidelines and common sense.

Copyright Policy and Fair Use Guide

If you are interested in linking, quoting, or reprinting articles from Barcelona Football Blog (BFB) in whole or in part, please do read our copyright policy:

* If you want to link from your site to BFB

You are welcome to use short quotes from BFB in your website or blog as long as proper credit is given. But please quote only short excerpts – up to one paragraph – from the site when you make the link.

You must credit BFB when you quote. Always provide a hyperlink (full URL) to the article where the quote is from. Don’t hyperlink just to the homepage. Copy quoted material exactly, enclose it in quotations marks, and mention BFB immediately before or after the quote.

For Print media: you must print the full Internet address of the post.

* If you want to reprint any BFB article on your web site, weblog or in your publication

Please contact us with your request. Articles from Barcelona Football Blog can be reprinted only after permission. You may not republish an entire BFB post without an approval.

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