El Banquillo 9: Team Talk

Ah — it’s, uh, been a while. For the uninitiated, El Banquillo is a set of posts from Barcelona Football Blog’s deep past that were based on an old Jon Bois thing called The Dugout, which is literally the only good thing to ever come out of baseball. There were originally 8 El Banquillo posts… Continue reading El Banquillo 9: Team Talk

Hello Spotify, farewell illusion, aka “What can we sell next?”

When I came to Barcelona on the heels of that legendary Rivaldo chilena, it was an amazing time. I didn’t know what to think but knew I wanted to be part of it, to feel that emotion, that explosion. Even as I barely knew what “making Europe” meant. That the FC Barcelona president at that… Continue reading Hello Spotify, farewell illusion, aka “What can we sell next?”

Dembele is back, even as he never left, and the games — all of them — continue

Michael Corleone could well have been describing the situation we find ourselves in now with Barça and Ousmane Dembele with the famous line, “Just when I thought I was out … they pull me back in.” When my fingers last touched keyboard on this matter, it was with the assumption that the player was gone.… Continue reading Dembele is back, even as he never left, and the games — all of them — continue