The worst players in the world, perception and reality

Marc-Andre Ter Stegen and Ronald Araujo are two prime examples of reality vs perception. Not long ago, both were considered essential to the successes of one of the top footballing sides in the world, FC Barcelona. Times change. One is now a bum who can’t stop someone’s grandmother from scoring goals, the other a bum… Continue reading The worst players in the world, perception and reality

The ‘Gulp’ factor and why Barça is still just fine

There is nothing like a well-timed loss. Right before the international break, FC Barcelona went to visit Real Sociedad, all pomped up after tonkings of Bayern Munich and Real Madrid, knocking four goals past each of them, an orgiastic exorcism that could only be more complete with dead demons and exultant clergy. La Real wasn’t… Continue reading The ‘Gulp’ factor and why Barça is still just fine

Iniesta is leaving, with all of his beauty and illogical magic

Beauty isn’t supposed to make sense. It is just supposed to exist so that we can marvel at it. In thinking of Andres Iniesta, who today announced that he is retiring from the game, the only thing that comes to mind is that something beautiful and extraordinary is departing the game, in a diminutive colossus… Continue reading Iniesta is leaving, with all of his beauty and illogical magic

So … um … don’t look now but … is that something good?

Optimism is weird. Optimism is infectious. If you’re a properly indoctrinated culer, optimism is not to be trusted. Put another way, four people are at an ice cream parlor in the middle of an ice arena. The four wait staff skate over with perfectly made sundaes, the cascade of ice flecks as they skid to… Continue reading So … um … don’t look now but … is that something good?

Xavi is gone, but the stench of failure remains

In the quarter century that FC Barcelona has held my heart, it is difficult to think of a more grossly mishandled, heartless, incomprehensibly unprofessional situation than the dismissal of Xavi as manager of the men’s first team. It sits at the pinnacle of a mountain of unpreparedness, ego, stupidity and naked ambition, amid a world… Continue reading Xavi is gone, but the stench of failure remains

Xavi, respect and modern times in an ancient game

Football is old, sometimes seeming timeless. Then as now, pam-pam-pam-pam, ball to boot. The leather boots of the past have been replaced by space-age microfiber things, but football is the same. Another timeless aspect of the game is hope. Supporters, even as they know their team is set for another season of … not success,… Continue reading Xavi, respect and modern times in an ancient game