The Club Has Failed

There is a match this weekend, against Villarreal, but it hardly seems important in the face of a lot more vital things going on in Spanish football. Yes, it is a test for the men’s team against an opponent that will (theoretically) come out to play instead of sit back and kick the crap out… Continue reading The Club Has Failed

Categorized as Barcelona

United 2, Barça 1, aka ‘Farewell Europa League, we hardly knew ye’

In looking for a summation of the match yesterday, a proceeding that oozed to an inevitable result, it would be: A Europa League side lost to a better Europa League side and its new manager got outfoxed by a better manager. Reactions during and after the match were interesting because a great many of them… Continue reading United 2, Barça 1, aka ‘Farewell Europa League, we hardly knew ye’

A meal is a meal, pretty or not

The necessity forced by desperation makes philosophical purity malleable. Strand a Michelin-starred chef in the desert for a day or two and he will be feasting on that vending machine cheese sandwich like it was one of his most skillful delicacies. So it is with Barça supporters, who at one time were wallowing in the… Continue reading A meal is a meal, pretty or not