What if it’s us, not Dembele?

During a rewatch of the Inter Milan sludgefest, my annoyance at Ousmane Dembele tilting at yet another bank of Inter players and losing the ball was like something fresh, even as the outcome was already decided. The match progressed, and Xavi changed everything about the team and how it was playing that vexed him. Static… Continue reading What if it’s us, not Dembele?

Bayern/Barça redux, aka ‘You’re right. No, you’re right’

During the Bayern match, Isaiah and I were on WhatsApp, as per our usual recent practice, and we were discussing the Sane goal. My take was, “He waltzed through the midfield, outran everybody and knocked it home. Yikes.” Isaiah’s take was more tactical, looking at what Bayern did to set up, create and execute so… Continue reading Bayern/Barça redux, aka ‘You’re right. No, you’re right’

Magic in Cadiz

I first encountered Jorge Gonzalez when I was in college, studying in Central America. It was 5 years after he retired and 13 years after he left Spain, which means it was a long time ago. If I had bothered to look it up on the then new Wikipedia, I wouldn’t have found an entry… Continue reading Magic in Cadiz