Dembele is back, even as he never left, and the games — all of them — continue

Michael Corleone could well have been describing the situation we find ourselves in now with Barça and Ousmane Dembele with the famous line, “Just when I thought I was out … they pull me back in.” When my fingers last touched keyboard on this matter, it was with the assumption that the player was gone.… Continue reading Dembele is back, even as he never left, and the games — all of them — continue

Worth and value, marketing and money … and players

What are you worth? What is your value? How susceptible to marketing trickery are you? Now how do you feel about players as they negotiate with the club that you support? Four seemingly unrelated questions are all intertwined in the wild, tribal, megamillions world of money that isn’t ours. In a famous line from the… Continue reading Worth and value, marketing and money … and players

Betis, Legends, and Dembele

We’re 15 or 16 matches into the La Liga season, depending on the team, and this is where the wheat has historically already separated itself from the chaff: the big clubs are on top, the wannabe newcomers or surprising starters are fading. Who can match the spending, the power, the ref-baiting decisions of the major… Continue reading Betis, Legends, and Dembele

FM21 – A Blaugrana Tale – Chapter 8: February 2021

This guest series is written by my good friend Harry, who has chosen to make himself miserable for your enjoyment. This is Chapter 8. For previous chapters, see Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, and Chapter 7. -Isaiah February begins with another Copa trip to a lower league team in a month which contains… Continue reading FM21 – A Blaugrana Tale – Chapter 8: February 2021